Do not be afraid for I am with you.
I will bring your children from the East
and gather you from the West."
~God (Isaiah 43:5)

Goodbye's are always one of Millie's favorite, but not today. Pap Paw and Ma Maw are leaving for Florida in the morning and Millie went to see them off. She didn't know it would be for 6 months but she made the most out of it. Hugs and kisses for them to last for awhile.
Wishing you a safe trip, with lots of love. Thank you for everything you do for Millie. Millie will miss you like crazy. Like I told you today, you have given her so much love and attention, and we love you for that. Millie feels all of the love you have given her and I think it has helped her become the little sweetie that she is. We are so blessed to have such a warm and welcoming family. Love you both.

We have to watch out for how big Millie smiles the eyes disappear.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Cookie Monster and Millie fighting for the seat, he doesn't stand a chance.

Look Mommy no hands!!!!!!!
Millie is starting to get brave at a little over 13 months old. She is going from a squat to a stand without hands. Even taking a few steps to Daddy and Mommy. It won't be long now before she is way to fast for me to keep up. Millie is also home with her Mommy everyday since Mom is out of school until January. Millie is refusing naps as I type, she wants to run the show at home with crawling up and down the hallway as fast as she can to see if I will come and get her. When I do she laughs and screams, so I haven't decided if I should continue to feed the game or not. She is trying to climb on everything, chairs, couch, Daddy, Mommy, dogs, you name it. She likes to dance and clap to music, and of course scream with the song. It's sounds so pretty, I tell her. I think she will have a better singing voice than me with all the practice at such an early age. I think that my singing is getting better with all the practice I have to keep Millie still for a diaper change, which is a nightmare. So as you can see every thing is going wonderful and our days are full of laughing with Millie. She loves to laugh and so do we. Life is so much fun. I can't wait to wake up and see what Millie will learn everyday. Thank you God for answered prayers.

Millie is so perfect. I know that everyone thinks that about their children. I'm just another Mama that thinks her child is perfect. What is so scary too me is that she was sent to me from God in ways that I can't even explain, but if you have been reading along with this blog, you get it from the outside point of view. Inside our lives is so amazing that I still can't believe what is going on. My Mother-in-law asked me yesterday if everything has sunk in. If it feels real yet. I have to say in the moment it does feel real. I can't remember my life before Millie. I have no idea what I did with all of my time. I can't remember not waking up to Millie. Sleeping in. Even when she does visit with Grandma and spends the night, I'm on her schedule. But when we get ready for bed and everything is winding down I get so emotional. Every night we read a book and say our prayers, and I sing to Millie, (she and Kaelin are the only ones who love to hear me sing) we pray for Millie's biological mom. We hope that she is okay and wish that we could let her know that Millie has made our life so complete. She is so much like me in so many ways. She has a great personality, funny, jabbers all the time, very busy and loves to laugh. Then the ways she is like Daddy, she has a temper, likes to tear things up and not help put them back together, leaves her mess for Mommy to clean up, talks back but I can't understand what she's saying yet because it's sound foreign to me. That last part was just for fun, (sort of) But on the serious note, at night is when this feels like a dream. When I get to reflect back on the last 4 months God blessed us with a absolutely beautiful, happy, loving baby. I will not go on and on about how perfect she, is but we have answered prayers fast asleep at our house, and I'm a Mommy. New words. Night-night, bath, baby, doggy, Papaw, awe, tickle tickle, bite, thank-you, give, all gone, all done. Along with all the old ones, it's crazy how fast she learns. She can point to my nose, eyes, mouth, raises up her shirt to show her belly-button. She does bite, and pinch which are not fun for me but it happens when she is acting like other people in the family. Here are some pictures of Paul's family reunion, Kaelin and Millie.
We brought Millie home 4 months ago today. Happy Grandparents Day!!!!!!!!!!
Gooooo CATS!!!!!