This is Millie's first Thanksgiving with her forever family. And I just want to take a minute to say how thankful we are for Millie and all she has brought to the family. She is home with her family and she can feel the love that everyone has to offer her. We are so blessed to have such an generous and loving family. Millie is blessed to have you all in her life. Sometimes I read about other families that don't have such an open heart to this situation. So my heart is full of love for everyone that loves Millie. I go to sleep every night with no worries that she will be treated differently by our family and friends.
She got to meet some more of her extended family today and of course they loved her as she did them. Millie did not eat like she normally does. She did have pie and pretzel salad with tons of sugar. I think she is taking after her mother on the sweet tooth. So it was a very active day for her playing with all of her cousins and aunts and uncles. Here are some pictures of her on her big day. Millie and Reese had on the same outfit. They looked so sweet.
By the way next post will be delayed due to the fact that Millie and I are taking a trip to Ma maw's and Papaw's all the way in Florida. I don't think Millie knows quite how much they have missed her and she is going to be smothered in love and kisses a week from Saturday. So we will have pictures of the beach soon. Can't wait to see you in Florida Jim and Joyce.