Time for Beijing China
Do not be afraid for I am with you.
I will bring your children from the East
and gather you from the West."
~God (Isaiah 43:5)
I will bring your children from the East
and gather you from the West."
~God (Isaiah 43:5)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
All About My First's
We went to Huber's with Kaelin and Millie to pick our pumpkin's, and they had a blast. What a sweet day for us. As you can tell Millie is almost as tall as Kaelin now. She is getting so tall and still thin. Her weight is almost at 23 pounds at over two years old. She loves having Kaelin over so she can play and try to boss her around, and they are starting to play well together now. We also went to a get together with Millie to a good friend of ours house and Millie got to sit on a horse for the first time. She was a bit worried at first when I didn't get on it with her, but she did warm up some. She likes to pet them on the face of all places on top of their nose, makes me a little worried but I watch her close. This week Millie starts back to school, our babysitter is pregnant so we are going back to the daycare. It was a great time for Millie to get the one on one with the sitter, but she needs some interaction with other kids now and I'm very anxious to see how it goes this time. I hope she will like it, and have a great day!! Come back and see her costume next week..

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saying Bye-Bye to Pawpaw and Mawmaw!!

It' s that time of year again for Millie and her Paw paw and Maw maw!! They spend the winter months in Florida and Millie has to say goodbye to them. Even though she doesn't know that they are leaving it still gets to me and Paul. We are still amazed at how she pay special attention to her grandparents on both sides of the family. She truly has a special bond with them. You would never know that they weren't there the first months of her life. Millie like any other child I'm sure picks her people she wants to give all of her attention to and they in return to her. She was forced to be with Mommy and Daddy, but she has picked them to love and cherish. She does have many favorites but Grandparents take trump to everyone. It melts my heart to watch her interact with them. I thought she would have a hard time fitting in with the rest of the grand kids before I met her, but Millie fits in where she wants to, in the middle of it all. We miss them and get to talk to them by the skype camera Paw paw Jim gave us before they left. She wants to call every day to give them kisses, but we have to limit her to 3 times a week or so. If she had it her way everyone would have a camera so she could see them on the computer. She walks to it every time the phone rings and asks to talk. So smart!!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Millie in her toddler bed??

Tracy bought Millie a toddler bed for her birthday and I have had it in Millie's room for about 2 months and she hasn't even acted like she wanted to sleep there, but lately she has been laying in it and asking to sleep there. So tonight on a day when she wouldn't take a nap and has been playing all day outside she asked while saying her prayers to sleep there again. So we tried it out, never got up or cried, went to sleep like a little angel, and I didn't stay in the room. We are so shocked. I do know that it will change and I may have more trouble in the future but WOW!!! I may be posting next time that things didn't work out, but I'm so proud anyway. She is growing up so fast.
Birthday party girl. I can't believe that she is 2!! She is talking and running all day long. Millie loves Elmo and thinks about him all the time. Which was her birthday theme of course. This blog will be so funny to her when she reads about this when she is a teenager. She watches his movie on the DVD player that Momma and Daddy bought her for the car. She used to cry and scream the entire time we tried to take her somewhere that took more than 15 minutes, but now, ELMO lives in the head rest in front of her and we all couldn't be happier. She doesn't watch TV at home, way to busy for that, only in the car. She glady greeted everone that came to her party, she is quite the social bug. I'm still getting used to that!!
Friday, August 20, 2010

She has grown so much in just one year. And if you ask her who is Momma's gift from God? She will tell you MILMIE!!! There is no other way to describe what she is to Momma and Daddy. She had a big night at Chucky-cheese. We left a picture that we had made of Millie in one of the machines, and a man walked up to us and laid it on the table. He said to us that picture is cute but it can't even capture how beautiful that baby is! How sweet of him. As I turned around to say thank you to him, I saw that he had a handful of kids and a really nice wife that took a great deal of interest in Millie and our process to get her. They are on the waiting list and have been for 4 years, which made me get very emotional for them. I can remember seeing people out with their daughters which were adopted and just wanting to talk to them, look at the end result, pure happiness in that families eyes. I hope Millie and I gave that to them, because Millie was having a blast and everyone in that knew it. Millie did think that all of the horse games belonged to her and told plenty of children to move, and screamed no to them as they got on the ride. We are always noticed one way or the other.
She has grown so much in just one year. And if you ask her who is Momma's gift from God? She will tell you MILMIE!!! There is no other way to describe what she is to Momma and Daddy. She had a big night at Chucky-cheese. We left a picture that we had made of Millie in one of the machines, and a man walked up to us and laid it on the table. He said to us that picture is cute but it can't even capture how beautiful that baby is! How sweet of him. As I turned around to say thank you to him, I saw that he had a handful of kids and a really nice wife that took a great deal of interest in Millie and our process to get her. They are on the waiting list and have been for 4 years, which made me get very emotional for them. I can remember seeing people out with their daughters which were adopted and just wanting to talk to them, look at the end result, pure happiness in that families eyes. I hope Millie and I gave that to them, because Millie was having a blast and everyone in that knew it. Millie did think that all of the horse games belonged to her and told plenty of children to move, and screamed no to them as they got on the ride. We are always noticed one way or the other.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Update on Millie

Millie is growing up so fast, she is really trying to communicate with us now. Her personality is so cute and funny. She loves to laugh and play with anyone that will give her some attention. She has a laugh that is contagious. I have come home from school and had two test to study for, stressed out about when and how I would fit that in with everything else in my day and Millie sits down in my lap and starts trying to give me her fish kisses in the eyes. Everything stops and I forget that I have so much to do, and enjoy. She always, wants to enjoy us, so my world stops for her. She likes to scratch my back and in return me hers. Her favorite books are anything with Elmo, she is attempting to count to 10, learning her colors. Maybe she is just average but I think she so smart, way smarted than her mother. Our Grand baby Kaelin, Millie's niece just turned 3, I really can't believe how beautiful and sweet she is. Millie was there to get the first taste of the cake, with her hand in the middle of it.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!!

Well it's been awhile, and I have been behind on my posting's but today is Father's Day, and although it's a very difficult day for the people that have lost their dad's, I felt like we needed some picture's of Millie enjoying hers. Millie's daddy lost his dad and I know he has a hard time celebrating without him but we try to make the best of it. Yesterday we went to the lake with Papaw and Mamaw Waggoner to celebrate with them, had a wonderful time. Millie likes to swim with us and would stay out in it all day if we would. She also loved the speed boat, Papaw let her drive and she screamed at her cousin's while they skied and tubed behind us. It is the longest time I have ever seen her sit still. She was amazed by the site of them on the water. Millie has had so many experiences in such a short time with us, she is one blessed little girl with so many wonderful people in her life.
Today we went to celebrate Father's Day with Papaw Willett at Aunt Jill's house. We ate breakfast and played with all of her cousin's. Millie has a big thing about screaming out names to get them to watch her. Daddy gets called on when we are at home, over and over, I get called on if no one else is around, but if we are around Papaw's then they are screamed at by the top of her lungs. So today was Papaw's turn, and everyone knew when she wanted his attention. He takes it very well considering that he had 6 other grand kids around to give attention to. Millie thinks she is the one and only for everyone. But she gets that from being our pride and joy. She will never have to work to hard to get mine or daddy's, we love just to hear her sweet little voice trying to communicate with us how much she wants us to watch her and love her. And that we have no problem doing. Her personality has grown so much in the last month. She is really trying to talk in sentences. She has some separation anxiety with me and her daddy leaving her. She wants to play and laugh all the time, and if she thinks that something is funny she wants to share it with us. She is getting to be very picky about eating. but that's typical at her age, she still throws screams and smears food at the dinner table,(lots of fun) she does have a time out chair that she likes to play in, again lots of fun! Terrible two's here we come!!! That's it for know I need to catch up on some studying.
Sunday, May 9, 2010

I woke up today to my beautiful daughter on Mother's Day!!! I wanted to write her a note telling her how much I love being her Momma. I have always had very special Mother's Day with the boys, they have always made me feel so special and loved. Paul has always made sure that I knew how much he appreciated me in their lives. This year I got to spend it with my daughter not crying but laughing and playing with her Grandma, Aunt Karen, Uncle Greg, and all of her cousins. Last year she had a pretty rough day on Mother's Day, but this year she was loving every minute of it. She makes all my days seem like a blessing. I couldn't ask for anything better than to spend it with her. I love being her Momma! Thank you for all the kisses and hugs today.
Thursday, May 6, 2010

One year ago today Amelia was born into our lives. She came so unexpected and to her and us. She too found out when she got on her bus early that morning that her world was about to change. I'm sure she didn't know that she was going to meet her new Momma and Dada, but she knew everything was moving fast and it was not her usual day. She was scared and upset when she showed up on that day but a year later she is thriving and stealing every one's heart she comes into contact with. I can't imagine my life any other way. I'm so happy! I just didn't think that my life would ever be so completely full of love. There have been so many hard times for us, we have endured so much loss and pain. She has brought so much laughter and tears to both of us, but this time out of happiness. We love you Millie!
Millie's day was all about her, she eat egg's and chocolate chip waffle's for breakfast, she got to go to Michele's and Clint, our babysitter. She had corn dog's, boiled egg's, corn, macaroni and cheese, black and green olives, fruit, and salad for dinner, and chocolate pie for dessert. All of her favorite's, minus noodles. Her day was so happy for her, all the food she wanted, played outside, danced inside with Momma, read books, chased dog's around the house. Life is sweet. One more thank you to all who have reached out to us, and helped bring Millie home. Special thanks to Aunt Karen and Jill for listening to me while going through rough times in China.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
One Year ago today!!

I can't help but to remember how I spent April 29Th 2009. We were on an airplane with so many emotions and excitement that I don't think I rested the whole flight. We were about to begin our journey that seemed like eternity to us. We were flying to China. We had all of our luggage and money and I panicked often thinking I forgot our important paperwork at home. I was so nervous and if anyone can remember back that far, Paul watched all of the shows on plane crashes and then choose to tell me about them. I guess that was his own fears faced and dealt with unlike myself, I choose to not think about that on a 14 hour+ flight. Although Paul did put some terrible thoughts in my head. We just couldn't believe that we were going to meet our daughter. Not even those fears wiped the smiles off our face. We laughed and held hands, it almost felt like our honeymoon, in love with our daughter. I sit and type about it and I have to smile for the memories. There isn't another time in my life that I can remember being so anxious and excited and nervous at the same time, for such a long period of time. So I'm going to post pictures of what our little angel from heaven is doing one year later. She is with her Maw maw and Paw paw tonight, they have come back home from Florida for the summer, and she is visiting with them. One year ago today she was only a dream that we had. Now she's our baby girl. We love you Amelia Yi,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Millie at Easter

Well we had all of our family to celebrate Millie's first Easter with us. It was a wonderful day full of laughing and hunting Easter eggs. Millie was up early to start on her basket that was left for her. He brought her a leotard for her gymnastics class, plenty of candy, which is her favorite, and a stuffed animal and balloons from daddy. We had a small problem with our camera and her pictures were erased, so we have had to ask for other family members pictures to add to Millie's memories. This picture of Grandma helping Millie hunt eggs is so sweet, her first Easter egg hunt and Grandma is showing her the ropes.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
So much to tell but I will just post the most important

I have been so busy with school and our computer has been sick for awhile, but here are some updates. Millie has been going to a new sitter, and she loves her and her son. She seems to be trying to talk so much more. She is also in gymnastics, and by the looks of her mom, I know nothing about that. She loves the trapiez and running from me the entire time we are in the class. She really is very good at at least trying to do what she is supposed to but we will see how she does in the future. Millie celebrated Reese's birthday with her, which are when some of these photo's were taken. She has been really changing in all of little ways recently, she has developed a wonderful carefree personality, that makes me look at things so differently now. We have to stop everything we are doing at look at a bug or a piece of grass in the yard, only to throw it as hard as we can about 6 inches in front of us. (And then laugh really hard) Millie tries to put on her makeup with me, and she does know where all of it goes on her face, and I thought she didn't pay attention to anything that had to do with me and what I do!!! She doesn't really put it on she just pretends. That's all I have time for so enjoy the pictures.
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