Do not be afraid for I am with you.
I will bring your children from the East
and gather you from the West."
~God (Isaiah 43:5)

Daddy made us feel so important today, with flowers, candy, and stuffed animals. I hope that Millie feels better tomorrow, she has not been herself today. And her candy is calling Mommas name. Just kidding, it will all be there for her, we do fight over it, but I will save hers. She always likes to eat mine first and then hers. So much like me on the sweets.

Millie and Avery playing in the snow.

First steps in the snow!!

This is a few pictures of Millie's first trip out into the snow covered ground. Millie loves to eat and play in the snow. I have to be very careful to not let any snow on the kitchen floor when we come in from outside because she will eat and lick the floor if any falls off of our shoes, or the dogs feet. I love to watch her play and run in the snow. Too bad I'm not a big fan of it. She doesn't even care if it's cold. When I get her out of the car in the garage I have to make sure the door is shut or she will run into the backyard and not come back until I go and get her. All the way down the hill in my shoes that are not fit for snow. These are the good days when I get to view the world from my daughters eyes. It almost makes me get excited to see it snow, as much as I don't like it.
Millie has been going to daycare for two weeks now and it is going okay. She has a ear infection, her and my first dealing with that. She started swinging at me in pain so I figured I had better go check with the doctor to see if something was broke from her day at the daycare or if it was her ear. It was her ear thankfully. Mom has a hard time with mornings as does Millie, to leave her in tears and then go to school and concentrate on whatever it is that day is hard on me. I have found someone to watch her in their home so she will be leaving daycare for now, but with the way things go with us she may go back. I hope not, but she might. That's it for now, and I hope to keep up with posting but my time is limited with all the test and reading, not to mention spending what time I can with my amazing babygirl.