The Raisor Family

Time for Beijing China

Do not be afraid for I am with you.

I will bring your children from the East

and gather you from the West."

~God (Isaiah 43:5)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3 years since we gottcha!!!

I have to share this one to all who still check this, I have graduated nursing school and am now a RN!!!  I have accomplished what I thought was impossible for me to do while becoming a mommy to a beautiful little baby girl who is full of energy and laughter three years ago.  I love my life and the best is yet to come.  Millie is quite the little talker now a days.  She is a little helper and wants nothing more than everyone to pay close attention to her and her princess ways.  I have a very hard time getting her to slow down long enough to eat or for anyone else to speak to me.  I would complain but, after all I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Millie is so smart, she does so well with her school work, the attention span is not very long.  We are so blessed to have such a woderful gift in our home.  Soon we will be adding to the number of Raisor's, Shawn will be having a baby boy soon, and we are so excited!!

It's been so long

Millie is growing so fast, I have been so busy with being an adult student that I have not had very much spare time to catch up on this blog. But I am going to make this a goal of mine for Millie. She is now 3, she is still going to school. Millie is getting ready for Halloween and is going to be Tinker Bell!!!! The pictures will show the glam of her outfit. Millie went to the beach this summer to her grandparents house and had the time of her life swimming in their pool and in the ocean, which made me very nervous. Her favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse so we are planning to go to Disney World. That is what has started this Tinker Bell obsession. I took her to see Disney on ice this past summer and she fell in love with Tinker Bell, Millie thinks that she can skate on Halloween as Tinker.