Time for Beijing China
Do not be afraid for I am with you.
I will bring your children from the East
and gather you from the West."
~God (Isaiah 43:5)
I will bring your children from the East
and gather you from the West."
~God (Isaiah 43:5)
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Our annual trip to Lake Rudolf
Millie had such a great time doing the Holiday World thing and riding every ride that she was tall enough to ride. She has no fear, the more it spins and the higher it goes the more she screams "I wanna do it again Momma!" Four is my favorite age at the present time. I'm sure I say that every time she hits a new stage in her short life, but at this age she is still so innocent and sweet but at the same time she is gaining so much knowledge and thinks that nature is so wonderful. I have paid more attention to acorns, twigs, leafs, trees and flowers than I think I have ever in my life. While walking through Holiday World Millie wanted to smell and pick all of the flowers that we came across. While camping she collected rocks and acorns in bags that were her jewels that Ariel found at the bottom of the sea. She trick or treated and savored every piece of candy that she got from each camper. I love that she is so thankful, makes me think I doing an OK job in some ways. This year she is going to dress up to be the Little Mermaid, she is so stinkin cute I can't stand it.
Millie roasted marshmellows, trick or treated with cousins, Carson and Reese, danced the night away with the little girl that camped next to us at the costume contest and managed to eat tons of candy. Love this baby girl!!!
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