After all that has happened this year, and it has been an eventful one, I have to reflect on all of our Christmas's without our daughter. I can remember all of the mornings when there where the sounds of the boys trying to wake us up, and Paul and I laughing in bed because they wouldn't come to the door and ask if they could open up their presents. I don't know why they wouldn't, but it was funny to hear them talking and laughing really loud so that we would get up. Of course we made them wait it out for awhile, but then we gave in because we were so excited to see what Santa had brought them. And then there were the years when they were gone that we had to find a way to make it through Christmas without all of those wonderful sounds. We were on the waiting list for Millie and there wasn't a Christmas that went by that I didn't cry for her, for my babies that are in heaven, for someone to love to wake up with and watch open up all the gifts from Santa. And now there is this year. There were still tears of sadness, wondering about all the orphan's that need a home in China and here in the United States. Wondering what I did to deserve so much happiness with Millie. Missing those that have moved on without me. But I also had an amazing Christmas with Paul and Millie. I cried and cried while Millie danced to the Christmas music in the living room and played with all of her toys that I had to open for her. She didn't really care about the presents just wanted to play and dance.
My Christmas dream has come true. The story of Jesus and Joseph reminds me of Millie and Paul. She has the best daddy and he loves her with all of his heart. Here are a few pictures of my baby's 1st Christmas. I love you Amelia Yi!!!
Glad you were a part of our Christmas Amelia. So many years we have planned on having the little girl from China and now that dream has been realized and you are here. You filled grandma and grandpas house with laughter and activity and you make us remember what Christmas is all about. I hope all of your Christmas' are as special as your first one with your family.