The Raisor Family

Time for Beijing China

Do not be afraid for I am with you.

I will bring your children from the East

and gather you from the West."

~God (Isaiah 43:5)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The New Year 2010!!

We have been blessed in so many ways in 2009, and now we entered 2010 as proud parents of our daughter. We spent New Year's Eve with some of our neighborhood friends this year, and Millie went with us. She had a great time with some of the younger girls. She tried to keep up with all the playing on the beds and took a tumble, but ended up with just a scatch on her nose. Daddy freaked out a bit, which was very cute. Millie cried for a few minutes and then off and running again, just not on the bed that time. We were home in bed at midnight fast asleep with our baby in her bed and life is good. Millie had her check up with the doctor last week. All in all it was a good report, with the exception that she is still trying to hit the 20 pound mark. Her Height is good and her head is on the charts, but weight is still in the 4% of American kids her age. The doctor says to keep up on what we are doing and she will be fine. Just to let you know, I feed her all the time and give her the good fat like I've been told to do, but she burns it off as fast as she can. As long as she continues to get taller we are okay.

On a different note, I start school at the end of January so things will change around the house again for Millie and us. She is going to day care again, but not the same place as she went before. We had to move her because of the time we need the care. So I will start calling it school again and it will be very emotional for me and Millie, I'm sure. So if the post are few and far between, it's because we all have to adjust again, and I have to study hard for Millie's future. I want her to look back on this blog oneday and understand that she can be and do whatever she wants and it doesn't matter how old. That a person has to make sacrifices to get what they want out of life. I would love to stay home until she goes to school, but I have an oppurtunity to do something for our family and I want to take advantage of it. I don't think that a career defines who you are, but I have promised myself that I will do something that I like instead of dislike, if ever I had the chance. I and many other people probably never thought that I would one day go back to school to be a nurse or anything else for that matter, but I dreamed of it and now I need to do it!!! Seems like many dreams and prayers are being answered..

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