The Raisor Family

Time for Beijing China

Do not be afraid for I am with you.

I will bring your children from the East

and gather you from the West."

~God (Isaiah 43:5)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Wedding Post

Millie at 4!!

Well it's her Birthday and she started school today in the pre-K program.  How come all of Millie's first have to be my last's?  I have tried to embrace every minute of Millie growing up, but still feel like she is getting to big too fast.  When I left her in the classroom today she couldn't wait for me to leave, she was waving at me and giving me big hugs before I left.  I love that she can adapt so well, going to childcare has helped us with that, but I still worry because Millie has soooo much energy.  The age of 4 means so much around our house, she has become a big girl with big idea's, she isn't a toddler anymore, she a little person with so much to say, do, and explain to us how to do.  Her birthday party was so nice because we just had a small get together with fun playing for her and cake, all Millie wanted was for everyone to sing to her.  Mermaids are the big thing this year and she was showing off her dress that Momma and Daddy gave her as a gift the entire day.

 This one is for Millie.  As we sat down everynight before you went to bed, we spelled your last name, counted how many letters were in your entire name, practiced your address and phone number, recited your birthdate and then we prayed.  Your prayers were Now I lay me down to sleep, and then you thanked God for Everyone that you could think of that you love, and before we finished you prayed for your birthmother in China, and we thanked God for her love that brought you to us and wished she could see how much we love each other.  That is really hard for me to say without crying so you say it for us without batting an eye, your so brave and smart it melts my heart angel face.  Then as I watch you pray for her and hope she is happy, you ask God in the sweetest voice I have ever heard if he could please, please, please bring you a mermaid fin for your birthday so you can swim in the water like Areil.  That makes me laugh and we hug and kiss so many times before you go to sleep.  Thank you for all of you memories that make me feel so full of love and happiness.